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Select Publications
Lawrence, M. L., Gittings, K. L., Salerno, J. M., Campbell, J. C., & Hans, V. P. (accepted with minor revisions).
The effects of implicit racial bias interventions on mock jurors’ civil trial decisions and perceptions of
fairness. Law and Human Behavior.
*Lawrence, M. L., *Saiter, E., Eerdmans, R., & Smalarz, L., (in press). The Miranda penalty: Inferring guilt from a
suspect’s silence. Law and Human Behavior. Advance online publication.
*joint first authors
Phalen, H. J., Lawrence, M. L., Gittings, K. L., Line, E. N., Thomas, S. N., Eerdmans, R. E., Bettis, T. C.,
Campbell, J. C., & Salerno, J. M. (2024). Regional gender bias and year predict gender representation on civil
trial teams. Law and Human Behavior. Advance online publication. lhb0000585
Smalarz, L., Eerdmans, R. E., Lawrence, M. L., Kulak, K., & Salerno, J. M. (2023). Counterintuitive race effects in
legal and nonlegal contexts. Law and Human Behavior, 47(1), 119–136.
Salerno, J. M., Kulak, K., Smalarz, L., Eerdmans, R. E., Lawrence, M. L., & Dao, T. (2023). The role of social
desirability and establishing nonracist credentials on mock juror decisions about Black defendants. Law
and Human Behavior, 47(1), 100–118.
Manuscripts Under Review & Invited Submissions
Lawrence, M. L., Gittings, K. L., Thomas, S., Eerdmans, R. E., Hans, V. H., Campbell, J., & Salerno, J. M. (invited
to submit to special issue). Public Perceptions of Implicit Bias Interventions in U.S. Behavioral Sciences.
Lawrence, M. L., Bean, S., Gnerer, R., Salerno, J. M., Duran, N., & Kassin, S. (invited to submit to special issue).
911 calls in court: The relationship between perceptions of a defendant’s emotionality and convictions. Behavioral Sciences.
Bean, S. R., Wulff, A., Lawrence, M. L., Reeder, I., Duran, N., Kassin, S., & Salerno, J. M. (under review). What
sparks suspicion? Identifying behavioral predictors in 911 calls.
Salerno, J. M., & Lawrence, M. L. (invited book chapter). Conducting voir dire to promote fair, representative, and
impartial juries. In V. Hans & N. Marder (Eds.), Research Handbook on Jury Decision Making.
Salerno, J. M., Lawrence, M. L., & Bean, S. (invited to submit). Modernizing jury selection: Scientifically
informed policy recommendations for selecting fair, impartial, and diverse juries. Social Issues and Policy Review.